Millers Point

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Money, money, money Bad Landlord Australia

In my last post, I explored the relationship between the media and government. I analysed an online article about public housing tenants that trash houses. Little did I know NSW Community Services Minister Pru Goward was softening up the public for a sale of public housing on Sydney's harbour front. The article by the Daily Telegraph is an obvious example of forward-thinking strategy.

The NSW Liberal Government is planning on selling almost 300 historic properties at Millers Point, The Rocks and Gloucester Street. The sale includes the landmark Sirius building at The Rocks, a concrete brutalist high-rise apartment complex close to the Harbour Bridge, containing 79 units.

The sale is expected to raise hundreds of millions of dollars. It’s a blatant cash grab. Professor Phibbs from the University of Sydney says the policy seems ‘driven by people trying to get their hands on some quick cash rather than thinking about things from a policy perspective’. If you watch the video of the announcement, Minister Goward provides three reasons for the historic sale. They are as follows:

1. the cost of maintaining heritage-listed buildings is exorbitant
2. the distribution of housing subsidies is inequitable
3. public housing needs to be sustainable in the long-term

Minster Goward made the announcement while her henchmen delivered the news to devastated tenants. There was no consultation. There was no procedural fairness. I have seen this tactic before. Holdfast Bay Council held a confidential meeting to evict permanent residents when it approved a redevelopment of a caravan park.
Minister Goward tries to frame the sale as a matter of fairness and equity. I am not convinced. And plus she looks like Cruella Deville from 101 Dalmatians. The resemblance is quie remarkable. But I suppose she can’t help that. The Barry O’Farrell government is selling off houses when the waiting list is miles long and New South Wales has a huge homelessness problem. It’s classic political strategy at its best. They are saying they are helping tenants, when really, they are hurting them.

Minister Goward said proceeds from the sale of the historic properties would be reinvested into the social housing system. Somehow I doubt this very much. Shelter NSW's executive officer Mary Perkins says,
We've had a long-time issue with the transparency around the promises that have been made about the sale of stock. They say 'we'll sell this to gain this', but there's never been any evidence produced about the gains...At the end of the day, we've got a really big concern about the geographic divide happening in the city, between these areas [that] are for rich people and these areas [that] are for poor people.

Diversity usually results in better outcomes for the community as a whole. We know that housing estates simply do not work because they localise entrenched disadvantage.

Despite overseeing similar sell-offs, the NSW Opposition has condemned the Liberal Government’s decision. Shadow Minister Linda Burney said Minister Pru Goward could not be trusted to reinvest any proceeds. The Liberal Government has overseen an increase in the public housing waiting list, and a decrease in the number of houses it is building. It has cut $42 million from the budget for maintenance, and $22 million from the budget for building. A report by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation shows that the O’Farrell Government has cut more than 1300 properties from its books.
I am not convinced by the argument older properties are more expensive to maintain. A diverse stock of housing will always involve a range of costs. I seriously doubt NSW Housing will be selling off old government houses in less well-to-do areas of Sydney. The government should not be able to get away with manufacturing excuses by failing to comply with its legal obligation to repair. We know that public housing is ageing and increasingly unfit for purpose. If state and territory governments keep selling off public properties, there is going to be none left. The NSW Government is clearly trying to push a core government responsibility off onto private providers. It is privatisation by stealth.
I am also concerned that the human rights of the tenants are not being respected. They are being evicted from their HOMES. It is not humane or compassionate to move elderly residents away from their communities and social ties. Many residents at Millers Point have connections to the area going back generations. The O’Farrell Government has even ignored the advice of its own consultants on evicting vulnerable tenants with minimal damage to their health and well-being. If things get that far, I would suggest pickets to stop police evicting residents from their homes. I don’t think the police would be too keen on physically ejecting the elderly and disabled.
I really hope I see media outrage. So far there has been significant coverage. On the whole, it has been fairly sympathetic to the plight of residents. I only hope that it continues. A community action group has already sprung up. You can like the FB page here. We have two years to turn this thing around. So let's do it. See More:

Millers Point Residents have been Delivered its COWARDS PUNCH

Wednesday 19th March 2014

Social Housing

I cannot believe what I am hearing on talk back radio the shock jocks are out for the residents heads, the residents are vilified by the wealthy and the other have nots telling another group of have nots that they should not be there, there is no class war in Australia is there.
I have never heard so much anger towards group of residents, innocent people.
What did the residents do to deserve this. It’s the housing system at fault not the residents they are in a system.
NSW Housing has mis-managed maintenance in all areas of Public Housing.

If housing NSW did regular maintenance and check-ups of work completed by their contractors there would not be an issue with maintenance, as some of their work is not satisfactory, if it is  reported to the department it is ignored  I don’t think there Housing client service officers have a degree in building maintenance or understand what is required.
There is one report that is saying for every house in Millers Point they spend $44, 000 per year. It’s a lie some of those houses have not had proper maintenance for over 30 years. Someone  is lieing here.
The residents are not bad people, the houses are not that bad and the community is not that bad.

Tuesday 25th March 2014

I am collecting my rubbish bins from the street tonight, and I over hear two well dressed guys walking up the street, say there's one of those housing pricks, look at him, they shouldn't be living here, cant wait to they are turfed out.

Miilers Point Public Housing Sale

Big End of town takeover...   Jamie talks a bit of truth.

Social Cleansing

 Social cleansing (Spanish:limpieza social) is the elimination of what can be considered "undesirable" social elements, such as criminals and the homeless. organizations have engaged in social cleansing in 

Millers Point was delivered its Cowards Punch Wednesday 19th March 2014

I love this article.

Battle for Millers Point lost when Pru Goward took control

By Kirsty Needham

The battle for Millers Point's long-term public housing residents to stay was lost when disgraced former finance minister Greg Pearce was sacked, Fairfax Media can reveal.

The Land and Housing Corporation had received heritage office approval last year to construct a building at Millers Point to accommodate up to 140 long-term residents - avoiding the need to evict elderly residents from the suburb when their terraces were sold.
The advice to the Office of Environment and Heritage in mid-2013 was that a facility would be built within the Millers Point precinct to re-house selected tenants. The Heritage Council would vet its design. The housing department was preparing to lodge a subdivision application for the building.
But two days after Mr Pearce lost his ministry in August, the housing corporation was transferred from Finance into the control of Community Services Minister Pru Goward.
Ms Goward instead favoured removing all public housing from Millers Point, which is set to become one of Sydney's richest addresses.
Ms Goward announced last week that all buildings would be sold off and 400 tenants would be evicted over the next two years, including the descendants of the original Millers Point maritime workers.
After details of the plan to allow 140 tenants to continue living in Millers Point were revealed to Fairfax Media, Ms Goward's office responded, saying the idea had been discarded.
The government has not provided details of where evicted tenants will be relocated, but Fairfax has learnt Treasurer Mike Baird will sign over the title to a large parcel of vacant public housing land in Glebe to community housing groups within weeks.
The O'Farrell cabinet approved construction plans for 153 public housing units, 95 affordable housing units and 247 private apartments on the site last December.
Fifteen public housing apartments in Cowper Street, Glebe, were demolished by the state Labor government in 2011. Labor evicted 130 tenants but promised to build housing on the site with the proceeds of money raised by the sale of 99-year leases to Millers Point terraces.
But the land was left vacant for years as a development application was lodged and contested in court.
Non-profit community housing groups City West and Bridge Housing will construct and manage the new properties, which will be partly funded under the National Rental Affordability Scheme. The units will include lift access for elderly people living alone.
If construction starts this year, the project is expected to be completed in December 2016, which coincides with the timeline for moving elderly Millers Point tenants.
Although the Millers Point public housing, and its community, falls under the protection of the NSW Heritage Act, Ms Goward's office did not consult the heritage office before announcing plans for the sell-off last week.
Heritage guidelines warn that action to disperse the community should be avoided. A spokesman for the Office of Environment and Heritage said on Saturday that ''the listing includes significance associated with the resident public housing community''.
Heritage policies for Millers Point would need to be reviewed in light of the sell-off policy, he said.
Decision breaks a thread to the past
Former City of Sydney historian Shirley Fitzgerald says the decision to evict the historic maritime community from Millers Point is ''appalling''. Another to attack the O'Farrell government is prominent architect Philip Thalis. He described the abandonment of public housing at Millers Point as ''rapacious''.
Ms Fitzgerald, whose book on Millers Point was the basis of its state heritage listing in 1999, said the people were as important to its historical value as the buildings.
Millers Point was the first time a whole precinct - not just individual buildings - was protected under heritage law. The listing says its social significance includes the continuing presence of descendants of the original workers, and its unity and authenticity of community.
''It's not just that they are descendants of the maritime workers, but that governments in the early 20th century seemed to understand that you had to have a place for workers to live in the city, not just the rich,'' Ms Fitzgerald said.
Mr Thalis, the architect who won the original Barangaroo design project and conducts walking tours of the area, says Millers Point is protected under the Heritage Act precisely because it was ''the first real public housing in Australia'' and its value was ''unparalleled''.
The Office of Environment and Heritage on Saturday admitted that the heritage listing included the resident public housing community. A spokesman said the Heritage Council would be asked to review the listing because of the government's decision to remove these people. Conservation guidelines would also be reviewed to put in place a heritage strategy that would ''interpret the period of public housing''.
After the plague hit Millers Point in 1901, the land was resumed by the government, and the government architect built housing for waterside workers. Control of the houses was later taken over by the Maritime Services Board. Public housing tenants from the NSW waiting list only began to live in vacant houses from 1985, when the Housing Commission took over the buildings. But the maritime descendants continued to have the right to pass on tenancies through their families.
The decision to evict the entire community ''shows the gap between enlightened NSW governments and agencies over 100 years and the more rapacious attitude that prevails today'', Mr Thalis said.
Millers Point was a ''magical place'', Ms Fitzgerald said. ''These properties will be worth a motza. But my view is that a city that only responds to market imperatives is not a community,'' she said.
Historian Christopher Keating, who researched Millers Point's early colonial history, said: ''There's a long history of publicly funded housing for poor people in this place. It's a bit rich to say, 'How come they continue to get subsidised housing when someone in Barangaroo will be paying millions for an apartment?' Why can't poor people live in a nice place?''

Read more:

Motion to Halt the Sale of Public Housing in Millers Point

Wednesday 19th March 2014
Turf them all out. Big End of town takeover...
Ignore all impact statements O'Farrell Government rides rough shot over residents.
There is No Transperancy in the O'Farrell Government.

Following the shock evictions, local Millers Point residents sit in question time in NSW Parliament House.    I believe the minister Hon Pru Goward was not acknowledging them. She didn’t listen to a word. She sat there talking – and laughing – all through it.  NO COMMENTS From Minister.

Thank God for Alex Greenwich  lending his voice to the cause.


The review of the Millers Point houses began soon after the Government came to power. The O'Farrell Government has bent over backwards to give a billionaire a casino; it is now going to turf out its neighbours—400 vulnerable and elderly people. Where are the priorities? Many in the community were willing to work with the Government to reach an outcome that benefited all. They hoped that only some vacant homes would be sold, with no tenant forced to relocate to another area away from their services and social and family networks. Working with the community, we got the review of properties to include a social impact assessment, which looked at the social costs of displacing vulnerable tenants from their homes and tight-knit community. Despite the Government's initial promise, the department did not make the social impact assessment public for comment before making its decision.

In response to my application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act, I was told that the assessment findings were commercial-in-confidence. I agree with the community that this is an excuse to hide the devastating social impact that selling tenants' homes will have. What about an open and transparent government? I have asked the Information Commissioner to review this absurd refusal. I understand that the social impact assessment is now online, but, of course, the residents have not been notified of that and on my reading of it a number of the recommendations made to the Government have been ignored. No decision should be proceeded with until the wider community is aware of the social costs of this sale.

Millers Point has a long history of providing low-cost housing, originally to wharf workers. The Maritime Services Board also gave properties to the then Housing Commission to manage as low-cost housing. The State Heritage Register recognises the importance of Millers Point's social history—it is listed for its cultural and built heritage. The National Trust has described this community as a "living treasure". The announced sales will destroy this living heritage, which will be a loss to the wider community. Social housing tenants are allocated to areas based on need, including being close to health services, work or a family member being cared for. The inner city is close to transport, jobs and support services and as a result there is a huge waiting list. It can take up to two years for people with urgent needs to be allocated housing and from five to 15 years for others.

It will be impossible to relocate more than 400 tenants in the inner city. Those who are old, frail and socially isolated, or who have a mental illness or an intellectual disability, will be pushed to the fringes of the city, away from the support networks they have worked hard to build. Some tenants have been in their homes for years—some for five generations. The impact on them is unimaginable and costly. It is a furphy for the Government to say that these are all luxury homes with harbour views worth $1.3 million. Many are low-key small units that provide vital low-cost inner-city housing to key workers. One-bedroom apartments without views in the Sirius building and the walk-ups are not worth close to that amount.

Another argument was that maintaining these heritage properties was too costly. The Sirius building and other public housing properties are modern and accessible. They are not falling down and do not cost more to maintain than properties in other areas. This is nothing more than social cleansing of the inner city masked with misinformation. The sale of 293 homes in only two years will flood the market and reduce values. In the long term the Government will lose out with this fast approach, while putting tenants through the unwanted ordeal of leaving their homes and community in a rush. This small and stable public housing community has a long history of connection and social support. There is no history of communal conflict, violence and antisocial behaviour. Millers Point tenants care about and contribute to their community.

Successive governments have failed to maintain Millers Point assets, allowing publicly-owned properties to become run down. Tenants are not responsible for this failure, nor are they responsible for the vandalised homes that have been left empty and allowed to fall apart. The tenants are continuing to be punished. Millers Point is one of the oldest and strongest communities in Sydney. The health and mental costs of the impact of today's announcement on residents cannot be assessed. The sales program will soon begin and a tight-knit community that is vital to the social fabric of the inner city will be devastated.
- See more at:

   Jamie Parker MP speech to NSW Parliament.

Millers Point Public Housing  Tanya Plibersek speech in Federal Parliament.

Millers Point Residents Speak Out On Planned Evictions 20 March, 2014

ABC Radio Interviews. Click on the Blue Links Below:

Elizabeth Farrelly discussing Millers Point with Linda Mottram

Barney Gardner, Millers Point Resident

Wendy Ford, Millers Point Resident

Peter Aland, Millers Point Resident

Audio iconSophie Cotsis,Shadow Housing Minister at Millers Point

Two Singaporean Architecture students who happened to be wandering through Millers Point

Audio iconMillers Point resident John speaks his mind on the sell-off


Anthony Albanese Defends Public Housing:  Click on the Blue Links Below

Is the state government being too tough, evicting vulnerable tenants from Millers Point public housing? Angela Catterns & Anthony Albanese who says it's important to celebrate the melting pot of Sydney's residents........Almost 300 public housing properties on Sydney's harbourfront will be sold off, raising hundreds of millions of dollars for the O'Farrell government and forcing out residents.
Anthony Albanese Defends Public Housing on 2UE's...Click on Blue Link to Listen:

'Cowardly' act forces Millers Point residents to move:

Ready To Fight:

Millers Point public housing residents given two years to move out

Sydney Morning Herald:

Millers Point residents' fears realised:

Barangaroo a plague on all their houses  

Green bans' hero joins fight to save Millers Point 

'Cowardly' act forces Millers Point residents to move