Yesterday there was a showing. We weren't allowed to see this public assett- by appointment only. Notice the yellow hard hat? All potential buyers were asked to wear one for their own protection. The tenant had only just moved out! It amazes me how safety assurances are determined by a cheque book.
This was half the number of police officers brought down to remove our peaceful neighbours.
Sadly, our new neighbours are being asked to leave. We enjoyed the security of knowing it wasn't being used as a crack house.
Save Our Homes - Millers Point, Dawes Point & The Rocks and like this.
Save Our Homes - Millers Point, Dawes Point & The Rocks
Minister Upton quoted recently talking about the importance of homes and community, not just bricks and mortar. Why doesn't this apply to Millers Point as well!?!
Save Our Homes - Millers Point, Dawes Point & The Rocks
Anyone have refuting statements at hand or any info on Ms Briggs AO
Save Our Homes - Millers Point, Dawes Point & The Rocks
Please share FOR SALE !! ATTENTION!!! Unframed Original Art Work by Sydney's cultural ambassador and all round top geezer Reg Mombassa Im going to keep boosting this every day organically .If you care share .If you dont,we just dont want to hear any of your parrot spin of misinformation. Say it again!!FOR SALE !! ATTENTION!!! Unframed Original Art Work by Sydney's cultural ambassador and all round... top geezer Reg Mombassa .All proceeds from sale to go towards Millers Point residents fighting fund.The artist tells me a piece this big A4 size coloured pencil and charcoal in the gallery would sell for anything between $1300 and $1500. Should the buyer ever choose to resell. I'm sure a piece with the historical provenance this piece carries.On resale would go for a lot more. The residents committee has already been offered $1000 for the work. Msg me with your offer . Get in ahead of the e bay rush.It is lined up to go to auction on e bay in three days time. Starting e bay bid $1000