Millers Point

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Save our Sirius: iconic building faces demolition - The Feed

Man About the Sirius Apartments

On Saturday, Tim Ross (Rosso) and Kit Warhurst performed Man About the Sirius Apartments to a full house. Almost 200 people squeezed into the Phillip Room, the ground-floor community room of the Sirius Apartments, to hear Tim explain, “We have presented this show inside iconic building across Australia, and now we are starting to do them across the world.” The difference this time was that it was the first time they had performed in an iconic building in danger of being demolished.

To see Sirius alive with music and people, go to

Thank you to everyone who attended Man About the Sirius Apartments. It was fantastic to see so many supporters!

We have now launched the Crowdfunding campaign we announced on Saturday. The funds will be used to form a legal action against the Minister's decision to not place Sirius on the State Heritage Register.

Visit & Share Our campaign

As supporters of Sirius you have a valuable role, and we appreciate any help you can provide to our campaign. Click here, or see below for details on how you can be directly involved.

Thank you,

Shaun Carter
Chair, Save Our Sirius Foundation
NSW Chapter President, Australian Institute of Architects

"The official view in heritage terms is you really only need to meet one criterion. If you think it is significant to the State on aesthetic grounds, then it is significant to the State.”
— Stephen Davies, Chair NSW Heritage Council

Our Challenge

The Save Our Sirius Foundation believes the Minister for Heritage has not made the necessary and proper considerations on relevant matters in rejecting the Heritage Council's recommendation to list Sirius Apartments on the State Heritage Register. We will be asking the Environmental Defenders Office to launch a legal action to have the Minister's decision reviewed and annulled. Forcing the Minister and the Government to give due weight to the relevant facts in re-making their decision.
We must remember the Heritage Council voted unanimously to recommend Sirius for listing on the State Heritage Register on the grounds of:
Aesthetics (exemplar Brutalist Architecture), and
History with the Green Bans movement within The Rocks. Minister Mark Speakman rejects the Heritage Council's recommendation, whilst admitting the heritage, said he preferred the money instead. Saying "I am not [heritage] listing it because, whatever its heritage value, even at its highest, that value is greatly outweighed by what would be a huge loss of extra funds from the saleof the site."

How You Can Help

There are a number of ways you can show your support to save Sirius.
Choose a reward: By choosing a reward you are joining our team and pledging your support to save Sirius. Our campaign is now online at

Share our campaign: To be successful we need to share the campaign far and wide. Talking with friends and family about our project and sharing this page will help us spread the message about saving Sirius.
Share this link:

Get Social: Share your images and stories on social media with #SaveOurSirius & follow the campaign on Instagram: @save_our_sirius

Want to do more? If you would like to do more, please contact the Save Our Sirius Foundation via