Millers Point

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Stoush over Barangaroo contamination bill

Nicole Hasham

February 24, 2015

The Barangaroo development site seen from King Street wharf
The Barangaroo development site seen from King Street wharf Photo: Fiona Morris
A state government plan to clean up toxic waste at Barangaroo by digging giant holes is a veiled attempt to excavate for future buildings and save money, the company assumed responsible for the contamination says.
It has also emerged that the firm, Jemena, has launched legal action over decontamination at Barangaroo South. The government agency running Barangaroo has refused to guarantee taxpayers will not foot part of the hefty bill for stripping deadly chemicals such as benzene and cyanide from the harbourfront land, despite previous assurances to the contrary.
The Millers Point gasworks operated at the Barangaroo site until the 1920s, leaving behind human carcinogens and substances toxic to aquatic life that are thought to be leaching into Darling Harbour.
The government has long believed legal responsibility for much of the clean-up lies with utility firm Jemena, which acquired the company that operated the gasworks.
The Barangaroo Delivery Authority wants to build residential, civic and commercial buildings and public space at Central Barangaroo.
It has sought planning permission to "remediate" more than 2 hectares  of contaminated land, which would involve excavating contaminated soil, trucking it away for treatment and dumping it in landfill.
However Jemena says the plan should be refused because the work goes far beyond what is needed, and the company should not be paying to help redevelop Barangaroo.
In a letter to the planning department, Jemena said the planned work matches the shape of proposed development, and future buildings at the site require deep excavations, such as for basement car parks.
Jemena also told Fairfax Media it was in the early stages of legal action over approval to decontaminate land at Barangaroo South, saying the assessment and approval process was "inadequate".
Company spokesman Ian Israelsohn said both the Barangaroo Delivery Authority and Lend Lease, which is developing the land, are parties to the challenge.
The decontamination bill at Barangaroo has previously been put at $112 million. The authority's website states this would come at "no cost to taxpayers". Money would be recovered "from the responsible parties" and developer payments from Barangaroo South would cover any state liability. However the government lost a legal dispute over developer contributions last year and is expected to receive far less from Lend Lease than originally forecast.
A Barangaroo Delivery Authority spokesman refused to say if the public would have to pay for part of the clean-up, citing the legal action.
The authority had been trialling an on-site chemical remediation which is considered cheaper than other methods, however its plans showed the trial was unsuccessful.
The Audit Office of NSW in 2011 warned remediation costs at Barangaroo could rise depending on the method used. It said any money not recovered from the site's previous owners would be funded by the authority, which could slow down construction.
Mr Israelsohn said Jemena would make a "fair and reasonable contribution" to remediation, which should take into account the site's long, complex history, including all previous uses. He called for independent mediation to resolve the issue.
A Barangaroo Delivery Authority spokesman said only preliminary on-site remediation trials have been conducted and full-scale trials will occur this year. He said the cost of remediation and discussions with Jemena were commercial-in-confidence. Neither he nor Lend Lease would comment on the legal action. 

Millers Point Three Years On

Millers Point Three Years On

In 2012 I wrote a story about Millers Point and mentioned the threats to the community from the surrounding developments and the government’s proposed sale of public housing. Last year it was made official, the houses would be sold and since then residents have been fighting to stay in their homes and keep their community together.

It’s almost three years since I wrote about Millers Point, and High Street has a very different atmosphere. It has changed from one of peaceful community to one of struggle. Banners are hung over balconies, spray painted onto sheets in stencil letters: Millers Point Not 4 Sale; Say No to the Total Sell Off of Public Assets. The street has a stripped feeling, some of the houses already empty, others clinging on.

The building site beneath High Street is busy as the Barangaroo project continues. The construction site makes a mechanical churning, digestive kind of noise, and I imagine this is the sound of it chewing up the past. Already the shape of the land below has been altered from the straight lines of the wharves. Now the curved shoreline is a neatly curated return to a past shape, based on an 1836 map. Blocks of sandstone, each labelled with a barcode for correct placement, have been assembled at the water’s edge. A larger sandstone block than the others has been unveiled on the point, renaming it Barangaroo Point.

Millers Point is facing disappearance. Some of the houses are now empty, their windows blank and curtainless, the residents moved elsewhere. Other residents are fighting, their houses hung with handmade signs: No One wanted to be here when I came here over 30 years ago, so now should I have to go? Some Millers Point residents have lived here for three or even five generations, and all speak with sadness and anger at the loss of their community. Many are elderly and have been fighting to stay in homes where they have lived for much of their life. Most recently, a petition for Mary Vo to stay in her home for the last few years of her life has been collecting signatures.

The state government says the houses must be sold for reinvestment in the public housing system, although how exactly the money will be invested hasn’t been revealed. The houses are being gradually auctioned anyway, and continual pressure is being put on those remaining in their homes to relocate. People fear that Wooloomooloo will be next, then Glebe, until all the city’s social housing has disappeared.

Last year, just after the announcement the houses would be sold, I went to Millers Point one afternoon and spoke to the industrial heritage artist Jane Bennett who was painting the High Street vista, her easel set up near the fence. I looked through her folder of previous work, paintings of industrial landscapes that have disappeared, most of them around the harbour. It was late afternoon and a soft, sunset light was cast over the street. I watched for a little while as she painted and we talked about the Harbour Control Tower at the end of the street, where she was an artist in residence for more than a decade. Now the tower is owned by the Barangaroo corporation and will be demolished.

MP Jane BennettThe scene Jane was painting that day, the houses in the lush afternoon light, has already changed. Construction seems to bear down upon it from all sides, Barangaroo down below, roadworks. Last June I went on the tour of the development. Like all the other visitors I was given a branded water bottle, cap and tote bag as I entered and then spent time trekking around the construction zone, asking the same questions everyone else seemed to be asking: what’s going to happen to the tower, and where had the fire been? The barcoded sandstone and reptile petting zoo was meant to distract me, but it didn’t, or at least not in the right way. My eyes drifted to the streets above, and the banners hung over the railing. I didn’t want the carefully arranged development, the park where I could go down to actually touch the harbour water, if I had to look at the rows of Millers Point houses glossed up and made into exclusive residences.

Millers Point Banners 2 Walking around Millers Point in 2015, I have a grim feeling. For as long as I have known it the suburb has been a gentle place in the city, small, old houses, with miscellaneous window decorations, and always people around, leaning over their front fences, chatting. It was out of step with the cut-throat city surrounding it, and that made it precious.

On Kent Street one house has on its front wall a carefully assembled collection of laminated A4 posters of heroes and villains: Cat memes next to Tony Abbott, Johnny Rotten next to Margaret Thatcher, Clover Moore next to John Howard, amid a storm of laminated monopoly money.
The protests continue. Follow their progress at the Millers Point Community, which has resident’s stories, history and links to other resources. There are also a number of facebook groups, including Save Our Homes.

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‪#‎ausunions‬ ‪#‎nswpol‬ ‪#‎housing‬ ‪#‎socialhousing‬ ‪#‎community‬ ‪#‎publichousing‬ ‪#‎humanrights‬ ‪#‎auspol‬ ‪#‎tenancytribunal‬ ‪#‎Sydney