Save the Heritage and The Community of Millers Point, Dawes Point & The Rocks before it’s all GONE.
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As the British comedian ended his final sold-out Sydney show on Saturday evening, he presented his audience with a list of social injustices occurring in the city with Millers Point being number one.
No stranger to global issues hindering minorities, Brand expressed to Central earlier this year his concerns about the Australian Government’s stance on marriage equality and the inception of lockout laws in Sydney. Terrace houses which belong to the Department of Housing have been sold off in Millers Point and Brand paid a visit to the area.Fed up with the apathy Sydneysiders were expressing towards the vulnerable Millers Point community who risk losing their historic homes in a contentious State Government sell-off, local resident Paddi O’Leary wrote a heartfelt letter to the comedian, who promptly showed up on her doorstep.
“I had been trying to get in touch with Russell for a while; I wrote him this long letter about Millers Point asking for his help because I believed he could help our case,” Ms O’Leary said.
“I mentioned in the letter how the people of Australia were so apathetic to this cause and that with your help we might be able change that attitude. People are being evicted from their homes and we are living in a society where the rich just keep on getting richer.
Barney Gardner grew up in Millers Point and is against a sell-off.He now has a powerful celebrity behind him, with comedian Russell Brand backing the campaign.
“So I left my phone number and address on the letter and on Saturday afternoon when I came home low and behold there was a note left in my door saying that he had come over to chat and wanted to thank me very much for my letters.
“He said he could see how passionate the community was about this and he will do what he can to help.” Built in the late 1870s at the base of Observatory Hill Park, the two-storey terrace has been offered for sale for the first time in over a century.This four-bedroom home on 84 Kent Street Millers Point sold for $2,401,000 million recently.The NSW State Government sale of 300 public housing properties in and around Millers Point including the Sirius tower complex on Cumberland St.Ms O’Leary who has resided in Millers Point since 2003 said she will maintain a dialogue with Brand in the hopes of achieving a positive outcome from the historic Sydney community.
“There wouldn’t be any Rocks today had it not been for the people in Millers Point and activists like Jack Mundey and the Green Bans.
“I am going to try and stay in touch with Russell and keep him up to date with the situation.”
Brand was unavailable for comment.