2 7 APR 2015
The Hon. Brad Hazzard MP
Minister for Family and Community Services
Minister for Social Housing
GPO Box 5341
Sydney NSW 2001
By email
Dear Brad
I write to congratulate you on your appointment to the Family and Community Services and Social Housing portfolios.
I look forward to working cooperatively with you for the benefit of our residents on the critical issues of housing affordability, provision of social housing, and homelessness within the City of Sydney Local Government Area (I-GA).
Sydney is in the midst of a housing affordability crisis that is threatening its economic and social sustainability. The cost of buying or renting private market housing in the inner-city is increasingly beyond the reach of low and middle-income earners, there is limited supply of key worker affordable housing; a lengthy, growing waiting list for social housing; and, rising homelessness.
I would like to offer you a briefing on the City of Sydney's Housing Issues Paper, which contains a range of proposals for Local, State and Federal Government to work together to improve housing affordability and diversity. The City is currently working with Urban Growth NSW to investigate opportunities for affordable housing on a number of urban renewal sites.
I read with interest your comments in the Sydney Morning Herald that you would consider retaining some public housing in Millers Point, recognising the impact of relocation on long-term elderly residents.
I strongly encourage the retention of some public housing in Millers Point, especially the Sirius apartment building, which was purpose-built for social housing and is home to mostly elderly residents.
I would also like to bring a delegation of Millers Point residents to meet with you.
The social impact study undertaken by SGS Economics and Planning for the Government stated that removing older residents from their homes could have negative health impacts. City officer's delivering services in Millers Point and The Rocks have reported significant levels of distress amongst tenants who do not want to relocate because of a long term commitment to the area and their wellestablished connections to neighbours and support services.
Sydney Town Hali 483 George Street Sydney NSW/ 2000
Phone 02 9265 9229 Fax 02 9265 9328
The City remains concerned that the Government hasn't made a commitment to build new housing in inner Sydney or that plans for spending the proceeds of the sale on new social housing stock have not yet been made public.
Your staff can contact Julianne Brewer, Manager Executive Support on 9265 9591 or at to arrange a meeting.
Clover ore
Lord Mayor of Sydney